Friday, February 3, 2012

Summary of a Long Day.

It has been a long day, and I am beat. The day started with a Hawaiian themed breakfast downstairs. Lots of yummy food and great company. After breakfast, the kids got some school work done while I washed the bedding and cleaned the apartment.

Simon has been feeling pretty crummy for a few days now, and his feet are still swollen. He also started complaining of bladder issues. Great urgency, but not being able to go much. All of these add up to a call to the clinic. Simon needs to be seen and checked for a urinary tract infection.

With about a foot of snow on the ground, the nurse suggested taking the shuttle. 2 hours at the clinic. His red count and platelets have dropped, but are still okay. His temperature was up to 100.2, .3 degrees below needing a blood culture, and only . 8 degrees below earning a stay in the hospital. His creatinine level is going up, indicating his kidneys are stressed. Lasix for the swelling. Push the fluids, and back to the clinic on Monday. Sooner if he spikes a fever or isn't able to urinate. (His fever is currently back where it needs to be.)

We made it back to Brent's Place just in time to celebrate Anya's 6th birthday. Anya's brother had a bone marrow transplant, and was just released from the hospital earlier this week. To celebrate Anya's birthday, her mother and aunt prepared a wonderful Indian meal for the entire building. (I am still stuffed!) The community times here at Brent's lift my spirits.

As I said, it has been a long day. Most of it good. A bit, not so good. The snow continues to fall, and I am beat.

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