On two separate occasions during the last two days, I have been brought to tears by two different yet equally powerful 2 letter words. The emotions triggered by these simple words has caused me to reflect. How can 2 letters evoke such strong emotions and why is it only now that I have recognized their power?
The first word is a negative one that we all have used a million times. (For those of us who are parents, we often use it a million times a day, and hear it back about as often!) "Can I have a cookie?" "No." "Can I watch that movie?" "No." Or from the other side, "Did you finish your homework?" "No." Did you unload the dishes or brush your teeth?" "No, no, no!" I have probably said it myself everyday of my life since the time I was 2, and not once before has it had the power it had today.
I was in the grocery store, and I was stopped by the mother of one of Simon's classmates. She asked me if Simon was okay. Her daughter had told her that the class was making cards for Simon, but she didn't know why. Seeming like a simple question and asked out of concern, I did not hesitate to answer. "No, he is not." I then continued to explain what was going on and a bit about the long road ahead for my dear boy. The mother, as so many others from our school, was quick to offer support and help in any way. As I walked away from that scene, tears began to well up. The question I had to answer no to gave the word its horrible power over my emotions. How can any one say "No, someone I care deeply about is not okay," and not be overtaken by the strength of those 2 letters?
The other word is far more positive, only a pronoun, yet just as powerful and only 2 letters long. The word has been used by a friend on several occasions over the last few years and has struck me before with its power, but only this week caused me to weep. This 2 letter word has been like a blanket wrapped around me on a dark and cold night. It has brought me strength when I have felt unable to take so much as a single step forward. It has served as a reminder that no matter what the day holds, I am never alone. It tells me that there is an army of support all around me and my family.
The way the word has been used has always been the same. In fact, the sentence it has been used in has been the same or near enough to be an echo. The word has caused me to pause in the darkest of circumstances and give thanks. Thanks for that life line, the warmth of the blanket, and the light to lighten the darkness. If you haven't already realized it, the powerful word is "we." The exact wording has been, "We will get through this." The friend who used it never said that I would get through this or that my family would get through this or that my child would get through this. He said WE will get through this.
Those 2 simple letters spoken by a friend have shown a willingness of another person to not only help as needed but also a willingness to take on a portion of what ever burden I have been under at the time. The words were spoken by one friend and lived out in so many friends and acquaintances over my life time. I am reminded of Jesus' words, "For my yoke is easy and my burden light." My current yoke is far from easy and anything but light, yet the compassion of friends willing to help with the load brings tears to my eyes. These are the tears of joy that come with the realization that while I might be unable to carry the weight that hangs so heavy on my heart, I am not alone and with the help of friends, the load becomes so very much lighter.
My fervent prayer is that I too will be able to lighten the load for a friend, that I may show the same compassion and provide that blanket of warmth on those cold dark nights. I praise my God daily for the blessings of friends!
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